FBCG’s research objective is to generate cutting-edge insights and enable effective decision-making on GCC family business issues.

Our research objectives are to generate fresh insights and enable effective decision-making on key family business topics susch as strategy, governance, ownership, and succession. We collect and draw on a body of quantitative and qualitative data to identify issues specific to the region and to source best practice solutions from within and outside the region. To deliver our research, we commission studies or collaborate with leading researchers, practitioners and academics across the globe

In addition to the FBCG research and publication, our members are given exclusive access to the FBN Xchange platform, an on-line resource library of case studies, articles, and presentations to help deepen your knowledge on family business issues

Strategic Research Initiatives

We pursue strategic research to study and raise awareness of the crucial role family businesses play in the regional economy. Our research initiatives include FBCG surveys, sector and ecosystem reports, legal white papers, and book endorsements on topics of high importance to family businesses. One of our strategic flagship studies is a collaboration with Mckinsey & Co on the Family Business Health Index which allows family businesses to self-assess and benchmark their health as a family business across multiple dimensions. 

To view further strategic research, please visit the Resource section.



Educational Reports and Publications 

We develop educational reports and publications on core topics related to family businesses such as governance, legal structures, shareholder exit and valuation, and conflict resolution. We collaborate with leading universities, financial institutions, professional service firms and seasoned practitioners to deliver our reports. Our educational publications help raise awareness and provide knowledge toolkit that enable family businesses to plan effectively and address their key challenges proactively.  Some of our flagship educational publications includes the GCC Family Business Governance Code and the joint publication with PriceWaterhouseCoopers on Exit Strategies and Valuation for family shareholders. 

For access to our publications and reports, please visit our Resource section.

Family Stories and Case Studies 

We document and share inspiring family stories and best-practice case studies among family businesses in an effort to facilitate peer-learning and knowledge transfer across different families and generations. Our family stories are coined as the Diwaniya Dialogue representing the storytelling of generations, their legacy and wisdom. We develop family case studies in collaboration with different organizations such as IMD Family Business Centre to showcase best practices, learnings and success stories among family businesses in MENA and GCC. In 2014, IMD developed their draft of the first GCC family case from Saudi Arabia.